Branded Apparel that Works for Your Employees
You may need uniforms. What you don’t need is everything that comes with it. The big up-front cost, on-going cleaning and maintenance, tedious repairs, inventory, employee size changes, ordering replacements, keeping track of expenses by employee, and answering all of the questions from your employees.
North Star Linen will manage all of these issues for you. This saves you time and money, while providing your employees with the clothing they need. Let our experience and custom designed programs do the job for you.
There is no need for you to tie-up your money with large inventories of garments and cleaning supplies when we can provide a weekly service to suit your needs!
Let us worry about cleaning your linen or industrial clothing. Whether it’s temporary or long term let our quality cleaning be part of your image.

Our mop service, combined with our floor mat service are an unbeatable pair. Together, these services improve interior appearance, ensure maximum soil protection.

Table linens, bar wipes, aprons, dish cloths, cook uniforms, kitchen towels, kitchen matting, bed linens, blankets, bed-spread
cleaning, bathroom towels.

We are one of the main distributors for the Swish line of industrial cleaning and maintenance supplies, a well respected supplier of quality cleaning products.

Don’t Forget…
North Star Linen is also an expert dry cleaner. Let us take care of all your fine washables and other special occasion clothing. Trust the experts.